This being the very first post, I’ll wax poetic on the virtues of Anarchal Capitalism…

Or not.  Not yet anyway.

How about a little background first.

I like to ride. I enjoy riding free, so I’m active in my local ABATE of Iowa district. I own a Centennial Indian Scout, a Harley FXDG and a Sportster.

I own and operate my own truck, leased to a company hauling liquid bulk chemicals. So while we’ll focus mainly on biker stuff, a trucking topic or rant might creep in from time to time.

I’ve always had Libertarian leanings but lately I’ve been focusing on learning more about what that means. The other day I heard someone describe himself as “when I’m with conservatives, I look libertarian, when I’m with a group of libertarians, I look like a conservative.” That would describe me pretty well right now, but I’m working on learning more down the liberty path.

I hope you enjoy the journey.

Categories: Biker